
JEP 133: Unicode 6.2


Extend existing platform APIs to support version 6.2 of the Unicode Standard.


Two related Unicode specifications are not covered by this JEP:

  • UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm
  • UTS #46, Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing


Java SE 7 supports the Unicode Standard 6.0.0, which was the latest version of that standard at that time. After that we supported Unicode 6.1.0 released in February 2012 in JDK 8 and are now planning to support Unicode 6.2.0 released on September 2012.

Specifically, the following were the primary changes in Unicode 6.1.0:

  • add 11 new blocks to java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock,
  • add 7 new scripts to java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript, and
  • support over 700 new characters in j.l.Character, String, and other classes.

And the main change in Unicode 6.2.0 is to support a new Turkish currency sign(U+20BA).


Need to verify that the latest Unicode data is correctly used by classes such as java.lang.Character, java.lang.String and java.text.BreakIterator.

Risks and Assumptions

If a version newer than 6.2.0 is released in the JDK 8 time frame then this JEP will most likely be updated to specify that version.


This feature depends on the Unicode Standard of the Unicode Consortium.